Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
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Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
He was Advisor to Chief Minister; Haryana for much-needed Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Abhiyan (2015-20) with spectacular results. The Sex Ratio at Birth of Haryana reaching above 900 first time in History and improved from 871 in 2015 to 932 in 2020.
There have been lots of discussions and deliberation amongst experts on the root causes of female foeticide and gender biases including strategies needed to be adopted to eliminate gender-based discrimination from society. Amongst various causes cited for the prevalence of sex-selective elimination are son preference, clan progress, property distribution, fear for the security of girls and women have been prominently discussed. Many social customs and traditions are thought to propagate this discrimination. Many strategies proposed by various experts range from harsher and appropriate laws, change in societal norms, and change in discriminatory traditions to raising awareness amongst the masses.
The increased discussions, debates, and awareness on the issues related to women have a direct link with the political will demonstrated through the launch of the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme from Panipat on 22nd January 2015 by our Hon’ble Prime Minister in 100 districts, 87 of them being gender critical in turns of child sex ratio (CSR). (1) Haryana had 12 districts in the list of 100. Starting the program from Panipat was indeed an indication from Prime Minister that he is concerned about the daughters of India in general and Haryana in particular. He had a vision which he nicely articulated in his speech at the launch. Chief Minister Haryana was present during the launch and he has taken this opportunity as a challenge.
Though the Ministry of Women and Child Development is the Nodal Ministry for the implementation of the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme the efforts of the Department of Health, Education, and other departments like Panchayati Raj, in general, have been pivotal in its success. (2)
The indicators mentioned in guidelines released by the ministry of WCD for deputy commissioners like Improve the Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) in selected gender critical districts by 2 points in a year, At least 1.5 % increase per year of Institutional Deliveries, At least 1% increase per year of 1st Trimester ANC Registration, Improve the Nutrition status of girls – by reducing the number of underweight and anemic girls under 5 years of age and Promote a protective environment for Girl Children through the implementation of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act 2012, etc make this program an achievement-based rather than rhetoric. (2)
Elimination of girls after birth (Infanticide) has been the norm in earlier days. However after the advent of new technologies especially ultrasonology which is instantaneous and relatively cheaper, knowing the sex of the fetus in the womb has become easier.
Strict implementation of PC-PNDT, MTP, and Drug and Cosmetic Act apart from other important measures to motivate general public is of paramount importance in curbing the menace. Fetal sex selection has become a big industry now and if we put pressure on one district, the industry shifts its base to nearby districts. Due to this reason, Haryana Govt decided to run the program in all 21 districts of the State since the beginning of the scheme. The government has come down heavily on the syndicate and has registered more than 700 FIRs under various acts. This has led to a sense of fear amongst the criminals involved in such activities. Action is being taken against quacks and other shopkeepers involved in selling fake sex-selective medicines.
The biological sex ratio at birth is naturally masculine with 104-107 male live births per 1000 females or 952 girls per 1000 boys. (4) The sex ratio in Haryana has been low historically as depicted in Table1.
Table 1: Sex Ratio in Haryana
However, Sex ratio at birth (SRB) for December month of 2015 has crossed 900 for the first time in the history of Haryana. SRB of 2016 was 900, 2017 was 914, 2018 was 914 and 2019 was 927.
Table 2: Sex ratio at Birth in Haryana
The aim of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme is not only to prevent gender biased sex selective elimination, ensuring education, ensure survival and protection, empowerment but also to create an enabling environment for bringing about social change regarding equality of girl child. (2) This means a combo of activities keeping in mind whole life cycle of a woman.
Once born a girl requires good nutrition after 6 months of exclusive breast feeding. This will mitigate chances of under nutrition in them. The latest report of NHFS 4 survey states the number of children in age group of 6-59 months to be 71.7%. We have 29.4% underweight children in < 5 age group in Haryana. We can expect higher percentage of girls in these categories. So, our focus is on improving ICDS services and diet modification in Haryana. Similarly there has to be equal health seeking behaviour of parents for girl and boy child. Our infant mortality has reduced to 33 and under five mortality rate has reduced to 41. (3) After preschool education in Angan wadi centres, we need to focus on 100% enrolment and less number of dropouts from schools. Balika manches and Man ki Bat in schools has brought forth some factors responsible for dropouts in girls. NSS and NCC has been involved in the programme to contact drop out girls and their re enrolment with some fantastic results. Now we have 75.4% women in age group 15 to 49 years who are literate (3). Functional toilets are not only important for health and hygiene but have documented to be helpful in increasing enrolment and decreasing drop outs amongst girls. We are striving to achieve availability of functional toilets for girls in all our schools. Insecurity of girls has been cited a major reason for girls elimination. They require good secure environment at home and outside. Small kids have been sensitised about bad and good touch and adolescents and adults about various legal security covers for them against harassment. Mahila Police stations have been established in all 21 districts of Haryana, keeping security of women in mind. Conviction rate under POCSO act cases has increased to all time high in state of Haryana. Referral of cases to CWC, which should be 100%, has also increased. District child protection officer monitors, reviews each POCSO act case from registration of FIR, CWC referral, investigation, filling of challan to conduct of fair trial and filling appeals in acquittal cases.
Various Khap panchayats have come out in open against menace of female foeticide. Many civil society organisations like Bharat Vikash Parishad are celebrating birth of girl child though initiatives like Anandotsav. Awareness rallies, Nukkad Nataks, celebration of birth/Lohri of girls, Film shows, Prabhat pheri, Puppet shows, Signature campaign, health camps /baby shows, logo in schools and govt buses,kuan poojan, thali bajana and Gudda-Guddi boards showing number of birth registered during the month and sex ratio of the village have been a regular features now for creating awareness amongst masses. There has been involvement of youth in the campaign in big way.
Various schemes like Haryana Kanya Kosh, Pradhan mantra Matri Vandana Yojana, Aapki Beti- Humari Beti, Sukanya Samridhi, Haryana Nutrition mission, one stop centres, Humari Foolwari, Malnutrition free Haryana and awards like Indira Gandhi Mahila Shakti award, Kalpana Chawla Shaurya Award, Bahan Shanno Devi award, Lifetime achievement award, Women outstanding achievers award have been encouraging and motivating people of the state to work for women empowerment.
B3P scheme in Haryana has been successful due to convergence of efforts by various departments, political will and effective implementation through deputy commissioners. The decreasing sex ratio can be brought back to normal if we take community in confidence and implement the programme through people participation. The success of the scheme proves that the Government agencies can achieve unimaginable results through interdepartmental cooperation.
- accessed on 20.10.2020
- accessed on 23.11.2020
- accessed on 13.11.2020
- Dagar R. Gender, Identity and Violence – Female deselection in India. Routledge Taylor and Francis group New Delhi 2014;11